Ecommerce & loyalty

Would you like to leverage your existing ecommerce back-end for mobile?

Want to reduce customer proximity via a mobile loyalty program?

Increase conversion via a mobile shop?

An increasing number of users turn to mobile apps for their online purchases. The e-commerce space, offers businesses unique opportunities to connect with customers and drive sales. Yet, many face challenges such as integrating seamless payment systems, providing a consistent user experience across devices, and crafting engaging loyalty programs. At Unlockd, we address these issues head-on, leveraging our expertise to build intuitive, secure, and feature-rich mobile solutions to increase conversion.


Mobile apps offer e-commerce companies a direct channel to engage with their customers, enabling personalized shopping experiences through tailored recommendations and notifications. They enhance customer loyalty by providing an intuitive and convenient shopping platform accessible from anywhere, anytime. Moreover, mobile apps gather valuable customer data, facilitating improved business decisions and targeted marketing strategies to drive customer loyalty, sales and growth.

From idea to value creation

How we work

The below three fases apply to almost all projects we do. Though, the details of each phase depend a lot on your specific context. For each step we seek a strong collaboration with you, our partner, to maximise the value delivery.



  • We listen to your story & request
  • Definition of (business) impact which you want to create
  • Creation of an initial story map
  • Project plan outline


Agile development

  • Prototype creation to cover greatest unknowns
  • Iterative development
  • Incremental delivery of a working product


After care

  • Application monitoring
  • Support
  • Technical updates
  • New feature development

Interested? Would you like to have a chat about your case?

Impact through collaboration

Our reference cases

Back-end, Full service, Mobile, Web

Race Gorilla

Case study